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341 search results for: senior health


Overcoming Issues With Aging Parents When Considering Senior Care Costs

Many of today’s seniors were raised in the Great Depression. They lived through a period when the nation was pinching pennies and cutting corners. Frugality was ingrained in many of them while very young and often remains firmly in place for life.  So, what exactly happens when a senior loved one is in need of […]


Friends For Seniors: Why It’s Important

If you’ve ever observed young children at the park, you know how effortlessly friendships are formed. A small group can be playing tag, and a newcomer runs over with a breathless, “Can I play?” By and large, the response is a resounding, “Sure!” and thus – instant friends. If only it were that easy as […]


The Secret to Healthy Aging

It has taken nearly 80 years and a slew of research studies focused around healthy aging to come up with the end result: wealth and a good genetic makeup really have little to do with our amount of joy. The Harvard Study of Adult Development started in 1938, delving into the lives of such high-profile […]


Six Steps to Boost Senior Wellness All Year Long

Many people have cast aside their New Year’s resolutions by the end of January, but who says resolutions should only be made at the start of the year? There’s no time like the present to commit to a new habit or goal, particularly when it pertains to senior wellness.  We’ve got six tips you can […]


Virtual Reality Opens a New Frontier in Reaching Seniors with Alzheimer’s

Imagine for a minute how it would feel to struggle with the cognitive obstacles of dementia. The people who are closest to you are now unfamiliar. The words and phrases that would roll off your tongue without an additional thought are now just out of reach. In fact, the whole world as you once knew […]


Conversation Starters to Discuss Home Care with Seniors

Noticed any of these signs that could indicate a senior needs extra help at home? Messy house, clutter, pots and pans piling up Confusing or missing doses of medications Difficulty with balance and mobility Confusion over once-familiar tasks Decline in personal hygiene Loss of weight Signs of depression, loss of interest in favorite hobbies and […]


How to Live Longer? Seniors Benefit from a Life of Purpose

What inspires you to get out of bed each and every morning? The answer is different for every one of us, of course, however, there is one commonality: it may be at the root of how to live longer. Scientific studies are showing us that having a feeling of purpose is an essential element in […]


Choose the Best Flu Vaccine for Seniors and Other Tips for Flu Prevention

COVID-19 continues to dominate our overall health concerns, it is important to bear in mind that other illnesses can be equally as dangerous, especially for seniors. Flu season is upon us, and it’s time to ensure that the older adults we love are protected. The flu vaccine for seniors is the best protection against the […]


The Benefits of Setting a Daily Routine for Seniors

Life, especially but not exclusively during the course of the pandemic, can be full of uncertainty. For seniors who are feeling less in control of certain areas of life, such as losing cognitive or physical functioning, focusing on exactly what can be controlled is empowering. An excellent place to begin is by setting a daily […]


Respite Care Exercise Routines Can Help Seniors’ Strength Post-Pandemic

While we are finally working our way toward the end of the pandemic, we’re finding out more about how it has harmed older adults – both physically and emotionally. We realize seniors have been at a greater risk of serious complications and death from the COVID-19 virus, and the impact of 15 months of physical […]


Learn the Unique Symptoms Latino Seniors with Dementia May Experience

New research sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association is uncovering some unexpected results in the unique signs and symptoms Latino seniors with dementia may experience. While more exploration is required to completely understand whether these differences are the outcome of social/cultural nuances or perhaps the dementia itself, it is important information for Latino families to learn. […]