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329 search results for: senior health


Shedding New Light on Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment

Research scientists are shedding new light on treatments to potentially impact Alzheimer’s disease: light therapy. Effects of light are only just starting to be tapped into, and already are showing some notable and promising results. For instance, MIT analysts are assessing a form of flickering light therapy, in which the visual cortex of mice is […]


Frequently Asked Questions Following a Heart Attack

Sometime this year, someone you love may experience a heart attack. How will this change your lives? What information will you need to know? How can you help? The many questions of how your everyday lives will be changed can be overwhelming. As with anything, the best defense is a good offense, and being prepared […]


What Is “Elderspeak” or “Ageism”?

Sweetie, dear, honey – terms of endearment like these may very well be appreciated when spoken by our significant other or when said to our very young children, but how do elderly people respond to them? In a word, many are utterly offended. And despite the fact that doctors, restaurant personnel, hair stylists as well […]


Breaking News in Alzheimer’s Care: Promising Medication in Final Phase of Human Trials

In the last several years, it seems a new drug to treat Alzheimer’s disease pops up in the news every week, and we’re always happy to share the latest developments, but never before has a drug’s test results looked quite as encouraging as the latest: aducanumab. In the initial medical tests, researchers witnessed a substantial […]


Diabetes Care Breakthrough: The First FDA-Approved Artificial Pancreas

When finger pricks, sugar lows, and insulin shots are not far from your thoughts, have faith, people suffering from diabetes: the FDA has recently approved the very first artificial pancreas – a hybrid closed-loop system that includes an insulin pump with a continuous glucose monitor. This impressive product doesn’t just instantaneously stop the insulin pump […]


How to Know When Assisted Living Is Needed for Mom

Looking around at the home where you grew up, the home where your parents still live, can bring forth a flood of memories. The winding staircase you raced down as a child and posed on for wedding portraits. The family room fireplace where everyone gathered to play games and tell stories after dinner. But recently, […]


How Design Thinking Can Help California Elderly

One of the latest buzz phrases, “design thinking,” has become synonymous with creating products targeted specifically to the elderly. But the actual meaning of design thinking is comprised of so much more: developing solutions to problems through products that make life easier – no matter the age of the intended user. While California elderly can […]


Provide Elderly Care and Cross Items off Their Bucket List at the Same Time

“Someday…” We all have a bucket list—the things we’ve always dreamed of doing, but put in the back of our minds until the money, the means or the time to pursue them was “right.” But what about our senior family and friends? They are just like us—with hopes, dreams, and aspirations for the future. Everyone […]