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341 search results for: senior health


What Does It Mean when Lucidity Returns at the End Stages of Dementia?

Even as confusion and memory loss escalate throughout the end stages of dementia, there’s an interesting and welcome reprieve that frequently occurs. Formerly coined “terminal lucidity,” it’s more frequently now known as “paradoxical lucidity.” It signifies a sudden, short-term regaining of clarity to a nearly pre-dementia frame of mind. During this period, the effects can […]


How the Pandemic Changed Work-Life Balance for Caregivers of Older Adults

If there is one particular positive after-effect regarding the pandemic, it is the awareness generated for the plight of family caregivers. Managing work and home life has always been an incredible challenge for caregivers of older adults. As Lindsay Jurist-Rosner, CEO of Wellthy, explains, “Caregiving went from a silent struggle to being in the spotlight […]


Adjusting to a New Caregiver

Hiring a new caregiver is a significant life change, and as such, there’s often a period of transition and adjustment required. A senior who was reluctant to the idea of having help at home may be inclined to expect the worst, and from the outset may verbalize feelings of discontent, whether through specific complaints, or […]


Latest News on Alzheimer’s Research: Milestones Reached This Past Year

With so much negative news in the forefront of 2020, it is worth reflecting on several of the remarkable achievements the year brought – such as the latest news on Alzheimer’s research. Katie McDonough, director of programs and services for the Alzheimer’s Association, shares, “There are many things that we’re learning and it’s an exciting […]


Getting Started in a New Caregiving Role

It might have come totally out of the blue: an unexpected fall that resulted in a broken hip and the requirement for Dad to have assistance to stay at home. Or, it may have been building up over time, such as through the incremental and slow progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Whatever the circumstances, you’ve now […]


Is a Humidifier Good for COPD?

For seniors and those with lung conditions such as COPD, maintaining the best possible air quality in the home is vital. Air that is too dry, for example, can result in or exacerbate health problems such as: Dry, itchy, or chapped skin Nose bleeds A scratchy throat Dry eyes Aggravated asthma, allergy, and cold/flu symptoms […]


How to Let Go of Family Caregiver Guilt

Family care providers give a great deal of themselves to take care of their loved ones, often surrendering their own desires and needs during the process. It seems natural to assume then that caregivers would feel great about themselves, with high self-esteem and sense of purpose. Yet the opposite is usually true, with many family […]


How to Safely Dispose of Medication That Is Unwanted/Expired

With so many older adults taking many different prescriptions, and with health care professionals changing and adding dosages and medications to find the ideal solutions, it’s important to understand what to do with medications that are no longer needed or that have expired. There are a few options: Check labels. The medication’s label or informational […]


7 Simple Tips to Handle a Frustrating Dementia Behavior: Refusal to Change Clothes

Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease or some other type of dementia requires empathy, creativity and patience, the ability to step away from your own reasoning and logic and understand why a particular behavior is happening, and then to figure out the best way to successfully manage it. That is certainly the situation with a loved […]


How to Handle One of the Most Challenging Alzheimer’s Behaviors

Awkwardness. Discomfort. Disbelief. Shame. All of these feelings can cycle through a family caregiver’s heart when a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease displays one of the most common Alzheimer’s behaviors – disinhibition – which can present as: Rude or tactless comments Inappropriate sexual advances or remarks Removal of clothing at inappropriate times And other socially […]


Recovering from COVID-19: How Home Care Can Help

Life has changed dramatically for all of us since the COVID-19 pandemic began, but if you have tested positive for the virus and experienced any or all of the myriad of possible symptoms, you understand how serious it is and how difficult recovery can be. The following tips are important to keep in mind as […]


The Parkinson’s Research That Could Hold the Keys to a Cure

Researchers at the UC San Diego School of Medicine who thought they were studying connective tissue cell protein received quite a shock when they instead stumbled upon a treatment to eradicate the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease in mice. Not only that, but the treatment could potentially be beneficial in a variety of conditions that call […]