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341 search results for: senior health


Effects from These Common Medications Can Mimic Dementia

Confusion. Disorientation. Memory loss. While these are certainly hallmark symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease along with other types of dementia, there are side effects from some commonly prescribed medications can mimic dementia. Before immediately assuming an inevitable diagnosis of dementia, examine the following list of prescribed medicines that can cause similar adverse effects. Common Medications That Can […]


Overcome This Unexpected Emotion When Caring for Aging Parents

If you were to list the top 5 emotions you experience when caring for aging parents, what would they be? Maybe you’d first think of feelings like love, compassion, and in some cases, even stress or frustration. Would anger make the list? In many cases, though family care providers wouldn’t wish to disclose it, the […]


The Grown-Up Version of Baby Talk: Avoiding Elderspeak

Watch what happens at the next family gathering when a brand new mother places her infant in someone’s arms. The individual is likely to shift instantly into baby mode: a high-pitched, sing-song voice, overly-simplified speech, and exaggerated facial expressions. Of course, this is perfectly normal and actually good for an infant’s growing brain. Hopefully, however, […]


How to Discuss a Potential Dementia Diagnosis with a Doctor

Shame. Embarrassment. Fear. The feelings surrounding a potential dementia diagnosis may cause older adults to keep their suspicions to themselves. A newly released AARP survey peeled away a few of the layers of emotion to get to the reason – namely, worry over losing independence and becoming a concern to others. While there is some […]


Outstanding Home Care in Seal Beach

CareWorks Health Services is proud to provide the home care in Seal Beach  that seniors and their families trust with personalized care solutions designed to meet the unique needs of each individual. Our team is here to help an older loved one with personal care needs such as bathing and dressing, planning and preparing healthy meals, […]


Providing Care When a Loved One Denies the Dementia Diagnosis

“Why would you think I have dementia? There isn’t anything wrong with me!” If you’ve heard a person with dementia communicate this sentiment, you might have assumed that individual was merely unwilling to accept a tough diagnosis. The truth is, however, that oftentimes individuals with dementia and other conditions are experiencing anosognosia—an unawareness of their […]


Research on the Progression of Alzheimer’s Finds 4 Variants of the Disease

For many years, experts examined the progression of Alzheimer’s through one particular basic model, despite the fact that the symptoms and development of Alzheimer’s can vary from person to person. Now, however, a new, collaborative study between the United States, Sweden, Canada, and Korea is discovering some fascinating data to help us better understand and […]


Creating a Safe Environment for Those Who Have Experienced a Stroke

According to the National Stroke Association, there are several tips and tricks to making a house more accessible for those who have experienced a stroke. Forty percent of stroke survivors suffer serious falls within a year after their strokes. To Avoid Falls Clear paths to the kitchen, bedroom and bathroom Move electrical cords out of […]


When Is Elder Care Mediation the Right Option for Families?

When you need to work together to assure the needs of your aging parents are met, even the closest of brothers and sisters can find themselves in conflict. Emotions and stress levels are, of course, running high. Add in your past history and family dynamics, which commonly resurface during stressful times, and it’s easy to […]


Signs of Dysphagia in Older Adults

On a hot summer day, there is nothing more satisfying than a tall, cold drink, but for a person with dysphagia, this simple pleasure can be downright dangerous. Dysphagia – or difficulty with swallowing – impacts millions of seniors, as a result of weakened mouth and/or throat muscles. Cancer, Alzheimer’s, MS and stroke are typical […]


Diagnosed with Dementia: Understanding the Progression a Loved One May Face

Among the first questions in most people’s minds when a loved one is diagnosed with dementia is precisely what to anticipate in the time to come. We understand that the hallmark of dementia is the increasing decline in cognitive abilities as well as the skills needed to take care of day-to-day life activities. Yet every […]


I’m a Caregiver Experiencing Stress. Should I Be Worried About Caregiver Dread?

What are your very first thoughts as soon as you wake up in the morning? Are you looking forward to what the day will bring, or would you like to crawl back beneath the covers and remain there? If you are experiencing more dread than delight as you consider your caregiving responsibilities for the day, […]