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341 search results for: senior health


It Takes Two: The Dual Purposes of Family Caregiver Journals

Many of us are writing down notes all of the time: grocery lists, to-do reminders, appointments, meetings, events…the list goes on and on. If you are a family caregiver, you’ve got even more reasons for writing, while you manage another person’s life in addition to your own. Journaling is an excellent way to keep everything […]


Compassionate Home Care in Anaheim

CareWorks Health Services is honored to provide compassionate home care in Anaheim and the surrounding communities that allows older adults to remain in the comfort of home. With personalized services designed to meet the unique needs of each client, our professional caregivers provide a variety of services from warm and friendly companionship to specialized dementia […]


Strengthen These Attributes to Be a Better Aging Care Advocate for Elderly Parents

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” – Dr. Seuss, The Lorax Serving as an aging care advocate for an older adult you love is perhaps one of the greatest honors – and responsibilities – you will have as a family caregiver. It means fully […]


Is It Possible to Live Alone with Dementia?

There has long been an assumption that when someone received a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or another form of progressive dementia, the only real option was nursing home care. After all, it’s unrealistic for someone to live alone with dementia and continue to reside at home – or is it? Data demands the necessity for […]


A New Alzheimer’s Treatment Option Holds Promise in Clinical Trials

If 2021 will be remembered as the year for COVID-19 vaccines, perhaps 2022 will be marked with a different version of a life-changing Alzheimer’s treatment option: a vaccine that may actually prevent or slow the further advancement of Alzheimer’s disease.  The very first human trial of Protollin, delivered through nasal spray, is underway in 16 […]


Alzheimer’s Research Brings Unexpected New Information

If there is one aspect that is a constant in the field of Alzheimer’s research, it is change. It seems as if any time medical researchers begin to get a handle on one aspect, new insight shifts their hypotheses in a different direction. That is certainly the case with the astounding new understanding in the […]


Tips to More Effectively Communicate About Your COPD Diagnosis

It began with those in your inner circle, and it has gradually been spreading outward to close friends and acquaintances. Sharing your COPD diagnosis and knowing how to reply to the many questions that arise about it can be uncomfortable – for you, and for those you are speaking with as well. Interestingly, you could find […]


How to Respond Safely to Dementia Aggression Using the 6 R’s

Of the many challenging behaviors common in Alzheimer’s, dementia aggression is probably the most difficult to manage. A senior loved one who has always been mild-mannered can abruptly lash out in outbursts that are truly intimidating: hitting, cursing, kicking, yelling, biting, or throwing objects. How can you, as a family caregiver, safely help restore a feeling […]


How to Be the Best Family Caregiver for Someone with a New Diagnosis

It may have been suspected, or perhaps broadsided you out of the blue. Mom has just received the official diagnosis for a progressive disease that’s going to make independent life challenging. While there are a number of unknowns, one thing is for sure: she’s adamant about remaining at home – meaning you’ll have some decisions […]


Hospice Myths: Learn the Facts About This Approach to Care

If you knew that a much better quality of life could be achieved for someone you care about, you would not think twice about exploring that option. Yet one of the most beneficial kinds of care – hospice care – is one that family members shy away from, as a result of many different misperceptions […]


Alzheimer’s Sleep Problems and How to Help

If it looks like a senior loved one with Alzheimer’s has entirely rewritten the rules on how and when to sleep, you are not dreaming. For reasons that are not yet fully understood, Alzheimer’s sleep issues are not uncommon and arise from changes to an individual’s circadian rhythm, resulting in sleepless nights and drowsy days.  […]


Top-Rated Home Care in Laguna Niguel

CareWorks Health Services is honored to offer professional, compassionate home care in Laguna Niguel that meets a wide-variety of older adult needs with care and warmth. We personalize our services so that each client receives a plan of care that is specifically tailored to his or her health and wellness goals. Our highly trained caregivers […]