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341 search results for: senior health


Top Time Management Tips for Caregivers

If today’s to-dos look like a lot more than you can possibly squeeze into 24 short hours, you’re not alone! Family caregivers are frequently inundated with daily care tasks: Housework and laundry. Personal care and hygiene. Planning activities that are purposeful and enjoyable for the senior. Planning and preparing meals. Shopping and other errands. Medical […]


Is an Older Adult You Love Overmedicated?

The days of “take two aspirin and call me in the morning” have morphed into “take two of these…and two of these…and maybe one of those, too!” Nearly forty percent of older adults are taking at least five different prescription medications every day – not to mention vitamins, supplements, and OTC meds. Because of this, […]


Watch for These Signs That Could Point to Mobility Issues in the Elderly

Benjamin Franklin certainly had it right: An ounce of prevention is really worth a pound of cure. When it comes to uncovering and addressing mobility issues in the elderly, prevention is essential. Falls in older adults result in 3 million emergency room visits, 300,000 hip fractures, and 32,000 deaths each year, according to research by […]


Vitamins for Older Adults: Benefits or Just Hype?

Minerals, supplements, and vitamins for older adults – oh my! 70% of seniors are taking them; but are they actually necessary as we grow older? After all, a balanced and healthy diet offers older adults essential nutrients. But there are specific instances of deficiency that could make a case for the addition of a supplement. […]


Top Excuses Alzheimer’s Caregivers Often Make

“You can make it, but it’s easier if you don’t have to do it alone.” – Betty Ford We all realize that no single person is an island, something which particularly rings true when caring for someone with dementia. Nonetheless many Alzheimer’s caregivers falter with regards to accepting or asking for the help they need. […]


Expert Home Care in Irvine

When it comes to home care in Irvine, CareWorks Health Services is the home care agency that families prefer. Our personalized care plans ensure that every individual we care for gets their specific care needs met, and we update care plans as needed so that our services are always best suited for the seniors we […]


Instill Joy and Spark Memories with Reminiscence Therapy for Dementia

Memory loss and Alzheimer’s may seem synonymous. Yet it is crucial to realize that long-term memory frequently remains intact long into the progression of the disease. For this reason, tapping into those distant memories is an ideal strategy to help an older adult with dementia stay engaged in current conversations by connecting to the past. […]


Are You Feeling Unappreciated as a Family Caregiver?

From the moment you woke up this morning up until the end of a tiring day, you’ve given your all to your older family member. You provided help with showering and dressing, prepared nutritious meals, cleaned the house, all while making sure your loved one was happily involved in meaningful activities, made it for their […]


Creating a Dementia-Friendly Home

Modifying the home for someone with dementia is as easy as ABC: make it Accessible, Bright and Calm with these tips: Accessible Foster independence by enhancing accessibility according to the individual’s specific challenges. For instance: Label cabinets, the refrigerator, doors, and other areas of the home the person may frequent with pictures or words to […]


What Is Chemo Brain Fog and How Can You Reduce Its Effects?

Confusion. Short-term memory problems. Inability to focus. Could it be Alzheimer’s? Possibly; however if you are a cancer survivor, there is another likely culprit that may be at play: chemotherapy. Referred to as chemotherapy induced cognitive impairment (CICI) or “chemo brain,” effects such as these can continue for months or even years post-treatment. Chemo brain […]


What to Know If Applying for Guardianship of an Elderly Parent

In an ideal world, our family interactions would all be positive and helpful. We would handle transitional times cooperatively, smoothly, and with virtually no disagreement. As our parents grew older, it would be a simple process to satisfy their needs today and their needs in the future. The reality, however, is that being an adult […]


Two Common Issues with Aging Skin and Some Simple Solutions to Help

When it comes to an elder person’s comfort, caring for his or her skin is as important a daily activity as any other. Dryness Dry, flaky skin affects 75% of people over the age of 65, according to Medscape. Lower legs, elbows, and forearms tend to be especially susceptible to dryness and itchiness. Why does […]