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341 search results for: senior health


Top Tips to Help You Prioritize Privacy as a Caregiver

Reflect back to your teenage years. Remember how important it was to find a safe spot to be on your own, to shut out the world, turn up the music, and write your most secret thoughts in your diary?


24-Hour Care vs. Live-In Care: Which One Is Best for You?

What Is Live-In Care? The live-in care model entails having a caregiver present in the home at all times. However, that caregiver is not necessarily actively providing care around the clock. They are present at night, but the purpose of the caregiver being there is so that they are available for any emergencies that occur […]


How to Manage Challenging Dementia Behaviors in Public

Dementia is unpredictable, to say the least. It can transform a person’s personality, mood, and behaviors in the blink of an eye. When you’re at home caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s, these changes can be difficult enough to manage. But what happens when you are at a grocery store, restaurant, or hair salon? […]


How to Make a Caregiver Feel Welcome in Your Loved One’s Home

The big day is here: Dad’s first day with his new caregiver! If your family is similar to many, you might be feeling a variety of emotions: relief, anxiety, and uncertainty, to name a few. These emotions are common and perfectly normal. Just a little advance preparation and planning for this important milestone will help […]


Why Are Your Loved Ones Dementia Symptoms Suddenly Getting Worse?

Wouldn’t it be helpful if there was an Alzheimer’s care manual, with step-by-step details on what to anticipate at each stage of the disease? While there are some general commonalities in the progression of dementia, each person’s experience is different. This makes it difficult to know what to anticipate on any given day. Despite the […]


How to Improve Dementia Care Through Improvisation

If you’re wondering how to improve dementia care, there are several key factors: creativity, flexibility, and a healthy dose of lighthearted fun. It stands to reason then that a spontaneous activity like improvisation is an excellent way to connect and engage with a person dealing with cognitive challenges. Not only does it enable you to […]


How to Create Purpose for Older Adults and the Benefits They’ll Achieve

What is it that gets you out of bed every morning? If you’re a member of the sandwich generation, caring for both older and younger loved ones, your list is probably quite extensive! As the nest empties, however, it becomes vital to redefine our identity and discover new ways to bring meaning to each day. […]


How to Help Someone with Dementia Through Maintaining Daily Routines

Have you ever awoken from a dream feeling completely disoriented? The dream seemed so real, and it takes a few minutes to regain your bearings. For someone with dementia, this confusion is part of everyday life. Our goal in caring for someone with dementia is to help provide as much stability as possible, and one […]


Family Caregiver Tips for Overcoming Boredom with Routine Care Tasks

It’s hard to admit but even harder to avoid. Feeling bored with your role as family caregiver is a common response to spending a great deal of time together, completing the same tasks, engaging in the exact same activities, and running out of interesting conversation topics. This isn’t at all linked to your feelings for […]


Top-Rated Home Care in Corona del Mar for Aging Adults

Aging adults and their families know that when it’s time to consider options for home care in Corona del Mar, CareWorks Health Services is the top option! We have built an unsurpassed reputation for providing exceptional in-home care services that are designed to help aging adults remain independent in the homes they love. From our […]


Tips for Easing Restlessness in Dementia

Pacing. Fidgeting. Wandering. When you begin to notice these clues in a person with dementia, it is time to take action before they intensify to agitation, aggression, or leaving the house. But figuring out why the individual is feeling restless is sometimes half the battle. To begin with, ask yourself the following questions when observing restlessness […]


Five Causes for Loss of Appetite in Elderly People and How to Help

After the indulgence associated with the holiday season, a lot of people choose to scale back on calorie consumption. But when an older adult refuses to eat altogether, or perhaps is making unhealthy or unbalanced dietary choices, it’s important to look for the cause behind this behavior and to recognize how to help them get […]