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341 search results for: senior health


Pill Organizers: Our Senior Care Experts Share The Hidden Dangers

On average, a senior takes approximately 15-18 different prescriptions every day, so as senior care experts, we know that it’s not hard to understand why so many seniors miss doses or take incorrect amounts of their medications. But there are health risks that happen because of these medication errors. Enter the creation of the pill […]


You’re Not Alone: Help is Here, Laguna Hills Senior Caregivers

We’re a do-it-yourself society; one that particularly values self-reliance, and applauds the people that pull themselves up by their bootstraps and handle as much as possible by themselves. However, the reality is, there are some things we just can’t accomplish all alone; things that can possibly cause injury to ourselves or perhaps other people when […]


It’s Hot in Orange County! Lessons in Senior Home Care for Preventing Dehydration

Because seniors are typically engaged in fewer strenuous activities than when they were younger, it may seem counterintuitive to worry about dehydration. But in actuality, due in part to the normal aging process, as many as 31% of seniors are diagnosed with dehydration—especially when living in warm places like Orange County. Also, the advantages to […]


Issues in Senior Care: When Dementia Causes Anger Outbursts and What You Should Do

Those providing senior care for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia know all too well the varied and complex behaviors associated with the disease, and one of the most challenging is the change in temperament – the Jekyll and Hyde transformation from that sweet, gentle person into an angry, offensive bully. […]


Providing Senior Care at Home After a Hospitalization: How to Keep an Older Adult Safe

Think about this possibility: your 90-year-old mother, who lives in her own home alone, fell recently, cracked her pelvis, and is being released from the hospital today. Sorting through and reading her discharge paperwork, you notice the doctor’s orders for a number of different medications, ongoing physical therapy, a medical checkup appointment that needs to […]


Can Orange County Home Care Help Seniors Embrace Assistive Technology?

Seniors in California are inundated with an explosion of high tech products aimed at improving their safety and independence and enhancing their lives. By pressing a few buttons, they can instantly visit by video with friends and family through Skype, wear a bracelet that connects with emergency personnel when assistance is needed, and even be […]


Senior Care at a Distance: Can You Trust When Aging Parents Say They Are OK?

Since moving across the country, you’ve made it a point to call Dad every Sunday afternoon, no exceptions. After catching up on what happened over the last week, he always reassures you that yes, he’s eating well, getting plenty of rest, taking his meds, and doing just fine. However, visiting him for a few days […]


Are Those Vitamin Supplements REALLY Safe for Seniors?

Seniors who care about their health make sure to include a variety of food groups in their diet, get plenty of sleep, and exercise. They are also likely to begin their day with a dose of daily vitamins to ensure they’re meeting that “recommended daily allowance” of nutrients. Isn’t that what the experts advise? Latest […]