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341 search results for: senior health


Caution: Sleeping Pills May Be Dangerous to Senior Health

Could there be anything better than getting up well rested after a good night’s sleep, completely energized and able to face the day? For some older adults – as much as a third of them – getting sufficient sleep only occurs inside their dreams. And unfortunately, it’s a common assumption that poor sleep is merely […]


How to Advocate for Senior Health Care for a Loved One

Here at CareWorks Health Services in California, we have truly seen how often family caregivers can be “routinely marginalized and ignored within the health care system,” which is a statement that can also be found in the latest report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. With around 18 million family members providing […]


Home Care for the Holidays: How Holiday Treats Affect Senior Health

It’s here: we’ve entered the season of sweets! From frosted cookies to amazing pies to candy canes and chocolate mint cocoa, it’s very difficult to disregard the variety of amazing treats that overwhelm us, and the special feelings they stir up, especially near the holidays. But what result does this increased amount of sugar consumption […]


Holiday Heart Health for Seniors: Simple Tips to Manage Hypertension

It’s here! The holiday season is upon us, loaded with laughter, decorations, and of course, family gatherings. But let’s be real: it can also be packed with tempting treats, stressful moments, and a busy pace that leaves everyone slightly frazzled. If you are a caregiver for an older loved one, you understand how quickly the […]


How to Overcome Senior Nutrition Challenges for Better Health

With the holidays approaching, you might be thinking about festive meals and family gatherings focused on favorite foods and traditions. But what about the rest of the year? Are your family members—particularly older loved ones—getting proper nutrition on a regular basis? While holiday feasts might be an exception, many seniors quietly suffer from malnourishment for […]


Do Hugs Have the Power to Change a Senior’s Health?

Remember during the height of the pandemic, when social distancing was the norm and we needed to settle for virtual visits? One of the most fundamental aspects of being a human – physical touch – was set aside in order to protect all of us from harm. However, we promptly found that eliminating physical contact […]


Health Concerns That Can Cause Mood Swings in Seniors

We all have good days and bad days, and we are all entitled to a bit of crankiness or negative thinking every so often. If you are taking care of an older adult who seems to have fallen into a routine of ongoing complaining and negativity, however, it is worth exploring whether a health problem […]


Geriatricians Provide Specialized Health Care for Seniors

If your young child developed a high fever, who would you call? It’s a no-brainer; many parents have the number on speed dial for the pediatrician they have carefully selected to oversee the medical care needs of their children. With their specialized training, working with a trustworthy pediatrician ensures the best possible care. Likewise, selecting […]


The Health Benefits of Gardening for Seniors

The cool dampness of rich soil. The heat of the sun’s rays. The happy music of songbirds. Gardening has the capacity to engage so many of our senses, and provides an abundance of positive benefits to older adults. No matter what the ability level or any space restrictions, there is always a way to help […]


Maximize Elderly Health: Top COVID-19 Resources for Seniors and Family Caregivers

Being aware of where to turn with regard to the current, most reliable info on COVID-19, particularly as it pertains to the elderly and those who provide care for them, is essential – and can be confusing. Because of so many sources and differing opinions on this important topic, we want to help make it […]


Senior Travel Tips from CareWorks Health Services, California

Everyone looks forward to summer vacations! Leaving everyday worries behind, checking items off our bucket list, exploring new places. And experiencing the thrills with a senior loved one by your side makes it even better. There will be, however, certain considerations to keep in mind when traveling with an older loved one. These senior travel […]


CareWorks Health Services Offers Help with Downsizing for Seniors

“I may have a use for this someday.” We all have items we hold onto with this thought in mind. But in reality, the old stacks of National Geographic magazines, boxes of loose photographs, old tools, heirloom silver teapots and other memorabilia end up stashed in our garages, attics and closets without another thought given […]