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326 search results for: senior health


Top Tips for Visiting with a Senior Who Has Alzheimer’s Disease

It can be a little intimidating to know exactly what to talk about and just how to act when spending time with someone you care about who has Alzheimer’s disease. And, sadly, due to a number of inherent elements of Alzheimer’s, sometimes family and friends feel so uncomfortable they avoid visiting the person anymore. Understanding […]


The Best Way to Address Financial Management with Seniors

It’s a sensitive topic to discuss with aging parents, but one that needs to be resolved sooner rather than later: financial management for seniors. Many adult children are hesitant to step into their parents’ financial matters until there’s a glaring need, but beginning the conversation before the need arises provides ample opportunity to ensure everything […]


How Can Elderly Drivers Giving Up Their Car Keys Negatively Affect Their Health?

It’s one of the more troublesome decisions we must confront in older years, and an extremely delicate subject for adult children to broach with their elderly parents: surrendering the car keys. Driving ourselves, while delivering an intrinsic experience of freedom and independence, can become extremely hazardous due to a number of conditions associated with growing […]


How to Work with Your Health Care Provider for Person-Centered Care.

In an ideal world, medical care would focus on you and your own preferences, adhering to your particular needs and wishes – fitting within your schedule and routine, unhindered by issues such as an unwavering health care provider who views healthcare options in black and white. The truth is far from perfect though, and quite […]


How Can Seniors Get the Medicare Coverage They Need?

CareWorks Health Services in California understands that Medicare coverage of medicines for seniors is often crucial, especially because on average, older adults take a shocking 15-18 prescription medications. And with the standard price tag of over $11,000 annually for the most typical prescription drugs prescribed for the elderly, it usually is debilitating when Medicare suddenly […]


Dementia Care Tips: How to Respond When a Senior Wants to Go “Home”

“Home sweet home” as the saying goes; but if you are caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s who insists home is somewhere other than where he or she is currently living, what do you do? Unfortunately, when caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia, this is an all too common […]


How to Overcome These Hurdles and Meet Senior Dietary Needs

With all the hustle and bustle of life, how often do we grab a cup of coffee and a donut on our rush to work, stopping for take out on the way home to avoid the need to cook? Younger adults with a high metabolism, optimum muscle strength, and less chronic health issues can get […]


Pill Organizers: Our Senior Care Experts Share The Hidden Dangers

On average, a senior takes approximately 15-18 different prescriptions every day, so as senior care experts, we know that it’s not hard to understand why so many seniors miss doses or take incorrect amounts of their medications. But there are health risks that happen because of these medication errors. Enter the creation of the pill […]


You’re Not Alone: Help is Here, Laguna Hills Senior Caregivers

We’re a do-it-yourself society; one that particularly values self-reliance, and applauds the people that pull themselves up by their bootstraps and handle as much as possible by themselves. However, the reality is, there are some things we just can’t accomplish all alone; things that can possibly cause injury to ourselves or perhaps other people when […]


It’s Hot in Orange County! Lessons in Senior Home Care for Preventing Dehydration

Because seniors are typically engaged in fewer strenuous activities than when they were younger, it may seem counterintuitive to worry about dehydration. But in actuality, due in part to the normal aging process, as many as 31% of seniors are diagnosed with dehydration—especially when living in warm places like Orange County. Also, the advantages to […]