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325 search results for: senior health


Is Home Care Safe for Seniors Now And How Do I Choose a Home Care Provider?

Looking at the past several months, family caregivers have had to face seemingly insurmountable challenges connected with the care of the older adults they love. With COVID-19’s specific dangers to senior citizens and those with underlying health concerns, such as COPD, diabetes, and heart problems, as well as others that are common in older adults, […]


Help Seniors Regain Confidence After a Fall and Reduce Future Fall Risk

While comedians and circus clowns may stir audiences to laughter over such stunts as slipping on a banana peel, there’s nothing funny about falling, especially for older adults, who are at a heightened risk for serious injuries that could lead to a lengthy rehabilitation process. Not only that, but there’s a lesser known complication that […]


Ensuring Safety for Seniors: Is Now the Time to Schedule Elective Medical Procedures?

The COVID-19 pandemic put our society on pause, including, among various other activities, healthcare appointments and procedures. In fact, as many as 50% of all adults either canceled or delayed routine health care and elective procedures since the coronavirus crisis began, leading doctors to grow concerned about the effects. Yet safety for seniors remains the top […]


Senior Safety: With Stay-at-Home Orders Eased, How Do You Keep Loved Ones Safe?

After months of quarantining, isolating, and distancing from family and friends, stay-at-home orders have been lifted this summer. But for seniors in particular, is it safe to consider going out? Unfortunately, when it comes to senior safety, there’s no cut-and-dry answer, and a variety of criteria need to be considered to come to the best […]


Superior Santa Ana Home Care Services for Seniors

At CareWorks Health Services, it’s our privilege and honor to offer superior Santa Ana home care services to make life the best it can be for older adults. Our home care services are individualized according to each person’s unique needs, and include services such as transportation and errand-running, help with personal hygiene needs such as […]


Managing Medication for Seniors: Common Problems to Avoid

A current research study of more than 2,000 older adults reveals that an incredible 87% take more than one prescription drug, and a full 36% are taking five or more – as well as 38% using over-the-counter meds on a routine basis. Monitoring medication for seniors can be extremely difficult, and there are a number of […]


Dehydration in Seniors – Why It’s So Common and How to Help

Did you realize…roughly 50% of all older adults are chronically under-hydrated, as reported by a recent research study conducted at UCLA? Not just that, but older adults over age 65 represent the highest category of hospital admissions as a result of dehydration in seniors. Dehydration can quickly sneak up on seniors, who usually have a reduced […]


Questions to Ask the Doctor When You Are a Senior’s Care Advocate

Of all of the many responsibilities a family caregiver or care advocate encounters, potentially one of the more overwhelming is managing health problems. The National Council on Aging estimates that around three quarters of all seniors are identified as having a minimum of two chronic diseases, and are seeing an average of four medical experts. As […]


Money Management for Seniors – Tips to Avoid Frustrations

Amongst the most difficult issues for senior loved ones is acknowledging the need for assistance with financial matters. Personal finances are both highly personal and a representation of your autonomy, and adult children in particular are often met with opposition when stepping in to assist with money management for seniors. Nevertheless for a variety of […]


Gift Ideas for Seniors

It is often difficult to know what would make a thoughtful gift for a senior who has everything. Below are a few ideas to help provide some inspiration: A “coupon” redeemable for running errands for them a few times a month for a year A book of stamps and pre-addressed mailing labels to frequently mailed […]


How Geriatric Care Management Services Can Help Families and Seniors

Family care providers realize that navigating the journey of looking for appropriate elderly care resources for a senior can seem like attempting to traverse the ocean in a rowboat – blindfolded, and blindsided by the buffeting swells and winds. The likelihood of making it safely and securely to your destination is fairly slim without the […]


Nonverbal Communication Strategies Are Useful for Seniors with Dementia

Conversations with a cherished older adult who is struggling with dementia, particularly in the middle and later stages, is often frustrating – both for you personally and also for your loved one. Brain changes affect the ability to hear, process, and respond effectively to conversations, and it’s up to us to put into practice new […]