How to Overcome Senior Nutrition Challenges for Better Health

An older man experiencing senior nutrition challenges smiles as his caregiver prepares a meal for him.

Senior nutrition challenges occur for a variety of reasons, and understanding them is the first step to overcoming them.

With the holidays approaching, you might be thinking about festive meals and family gatherings focused on favorite foods and traditions. But what about the rest of the year? Are your family members—particularly older loved ones—getting proper nutrition on a regular basis? While holiday feasts might be an exception, many seniors quietly suffer from malnourishment for a number of reasons. The first step to helping older adults stay nourished and healthy all year is learning about the senior nutrition challenges they may be facing.

Health Issues and Medications

For many older adults, chronic health conditions and the medications used to treat them play a significant role in their battle with malnutrition. Ailments such as heart disease, cancer, or digestion disorders can limit food consumption or decrease the body’s ability to absorb essential nutrients. Additionally, medications commonly prescribed for these ailments could have negative effects including a decreased appetite, altered taste, or nausea, which can result in a lack of desire for food.

In many cases, mental health conditions like depression or anxiety also contribute to malnutrition. When seniors are feeling isolated or emotionally overwhelmed, they might not have the desire to prepare meals or eat regularly. Addressing both physical and mental health issues is essential to ensure that older loved ones can maintain proper nutrition.

Grief and Other Complications From Losing a Spouse

The death of a partner can have a deep impact on diet, and even more so if the person relied on their partner for the preparation of meals. This is very common for men who may not have been the primary cook in the house. After losing a partner, they might not have the skills or experience needed to prepare meals for themselves, ultimately causing reliance on processed or convenience foods that lack the necessary nutritional elements.

Loneliness and grief can further exacerbate this issue. Mealtimes that were once enjoyed with a spouse now feel empty, and the motivation to prepare healthy meals diminishes. In the long run, this can cause poor eating habits and nutritional deficiencies. Ensuring an older loved one has support in learning to make simple, nutritious meals or arranging for meal deliveries can help relieve these challenges.

Mobility and Transportation Barriers

Access to healthy food is another significant barrier that many seniors face. Mobility limitations, like arthritis or balance issues, can make it difficult for older adults to go to the grocery store or carry heavy bags of groceries. Those who reside in remote areas or no longer drive may also struggle with transportation, making it hard to acquire fresh, healthy food on a regular basis.

While grocery delivery services are available in many areas, older adults may not be comfortable with technology or may find such services too costly. In addition, some seniors may use food pantries or other community resources, but these often provide non-perishable items that are less nutrient-dense than lean proteins and fresh produce.

The Importance of Support and Resources

What can you do if you suspect an older family member is having difficulty maintaining proper nutrition?

  • Be aware of the signs of senior nutrition challenges: weight loss, weakness, or a lack of interest in food.
  • Take a look at MyPlate for Older Adults for helpful guidelines.
  • Address any underlying issues by scheduling a checkup with the doctor.

One of the best ways to help is by contacting CareWorks Health Services. Our team can:

  • Provide transportation and accompaniment to pick up groceries (or take care of food shopping for the person).
  • Share in mealtimes to make them more fulfilling.
  • Plan and prepare delicious, nutritious meals.
  • And more!

Contact us at (949) 859-4700 any time for more information on our home care services in Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, Seal Beach, and throughout Orange County.