Turning a Bad Day Into a Great One as a Family Caregiver
"What a crazy day," we sometimes bemoan, shrugging our shoulders…

The Latest Technologies for Vision Loss
Impacting tens of millions of Americans, vision loss is as varied…

The Best Way to Address Financial Management with Seniors
It’s a sensitive topic to discuss with aging parents, but one…

How to Word Commonly Said Phrases More Positively for Aging Parents
Honesty is always the best policy, right? Yet there are times…

Sibling Rivalry Over Aging Parents: Finding a Fair Caregiving Balance
Do you recall how difficult it could be as a child to learn the…

A Lesser Known Effect of Dementia: Anosognosia
"Why would you think I have Alzheimer's? There's nothing wrong…

How Can Elderly Drivers Giving Up Their Car Keys Negatively Affect Their Health?
It’s one of the more troublesome decisions we must confront…

Plagued by Osteoarthritis Pain? Here’s a Solution Worth Investigating!
It’s a group no one wants to be a part of, however as many…

How to Work with Your Health Care Provider for Person-Centered Care.
In an ideal world, medical care would focus on you and your own…

How Law Enforcement Officials Are Handling Dementia Driven Crime
It seems incredible – a pleasant, at times confused grandma…

How Can Seniors Get the Medicare Coverage They Need?
CareWorks Health Services in California understands that Medicare…

Senior Travel Tips from CareWorks Health Services, California
Everyone looks forward to summer vacations! Leaving everyday…