The Delicate Balance: Embracing and Managing Reality in Dementia Support
Did you ever wake up in the middle of a dream and wonder, for…
24-Hour Care vs. Live-In Care: Which One Is Best for You?
What Is Live-In Care?
The live-in care model entails having…
Aging Care Conversation Starters for Senior Loved Ones
Perhaps you remember having “the talk” with your parents…
How to Create Purpose for Older Adults and the Benefits They’ll Achieve
What is it that gets you out of bed every morning? If you’re…
Getting Family to Agree About the Need for Senior Care
When you begin to detect the warning signs that care in the…
Introduction to Geriatric Care Management
A geriatric care manager serves as a professional, personal advocate…
Health Concerns That Can Cause Mood Swings in Seniors
We all have good days and bad days, and we are all entitled…
Simple, Effective Strategies You Can Try Today to Reduce Memory Decline
Remember learning the order of the colors of the rainbow…
Being a Partner, Not a Parent, Throughout Spousal Caregiving
If you’re in a successful, lasting relationship, you understand…
Tips for Helping a Senior with Dementia Downsize
You’ve determined the family home is just too much for…
Technology for Seniors Makes it Easier to Age in Place
“You are always free to choose what you do with your life.…
Watch for These Signs That Could Point to Mobility Issues in the Elderly
Benjamin Franklin certainly had it right: An ounce of prevention…