What All Family Caregivers Need to Know About Parkinson’s Non-Movement Symptoms

An older man struggling with Parkinson’s non-movement symptoms holds the hand of his caregiver as she leans in to give him a hug.

Learn about four common types of Parkinson’s non-movement symptoms and how to help.

When most people think about Parkinson’s disease, difficulty moving or tremors likely come to mind first. However, if you’re taking care of an older loved one with Parkinson’s, you’ve probably noticed they’re dealing with so much more than just movement issues. Parkinson’s non-movement symptoms, like depression, sleep problems, and cognitive changes, can have as much of an impact on daily life, but often go unnoticed or untreated. Understanding these symptoms is essential to providing the best possible care for someone you love with Parkinson’s disease.

  • Sensory and Pain Issues: Some individuals with Parkinson’s also experience pain, which can be a result of muscle stiffness or cramping. Sensory changes, such as a reduced sense of smell or vision problems, are also common. These symptoms can add to the emotional stress and physical discomfort that are often part of Parkinson’s. Addressing pain and sensory issues requires a holistic approach that may include physical therapy, medications, or adjustments to daily routines to be sure the person remains comfortable.
  • Autonomic Nervous System Symptoms: Parkinson’s does not just impact the brain—it also has an impact on the autonomic nervous system, which controls automatic functions like temperature regulation, blood pressure, and digestion. You may notice the person experiencing constipation, urinary problems, excessive sweating, or a sudden drop in blood pressure if they stand up, known as orthostatic hypotension. These symptoms can be uncomfortable and disruptive, but there are ways to manage them. For example, dietary changes can help with constipation, and compression stockings or increased water intake can help alleviate low blood pressure. Talking to a healthcare provider is vital to finding the right treatments.
  • Sleep Issues: Sleep disturbances are another common non-movement symptom of Parkinson’s disease. Sleep issues can include insomnia, frequent waking during the night time, or vivid dreams and nightmares. Restless legs syndrome and REM sleep behavior disorder, where individuals physically act out their dreams, are also more common in individuals with Parkinson’s. Sleep issues can make day to day life even harder, leading to increased fatigue, irritability, and a lower quality of life. Establishing a bedtime routine, limiting caffeine intake, ensuring plenty of physical activity during the day, and creating a comfortable sleeping environment can help, but sometimes medical intervention may be required.
  • Mental Health and Cognitive Changes: Parkinson’s disease can impact the brain in ways that go far beyond movement, often causing mental health and cognitive issues. The person diagnosed may go through apathy, depression, or anxiety, which can make it hard for them to find pleasure in daily activities or even get motivated to move around. Depression is especially common in Parkinson’s and can be set off by both the illness itself and the emotional toll of dealing with a chronic condition. Cognitive changes, such as difficulty concentrating or memory problems, may also develop as the disease advances. This can be frustrating for both you and the person you love, particularly when you notice them struggling with tasks that used to come easily. It is important to identify these symptoms early and work with healthcare providers to take care of them, as treatments such as therapy or medications can help.

Home Care Can Help

Caring for a senior loved one with Parkinson’s is much easier with a skilled and compassionate partner by your side. At CareWorks Health Services, we equip our caregiving team with the training necessary to provide the exceptional level of care seniors deserve. Let us support you and a senior loved one in Newport Beach, Mission Viejo, Huntington Beach, and throughout Orange County. Contact us at (949) 859-4700 to learn more.